Προσυνεδριακό Σεμινάριο |"New Twin NiTi Auto-Seating Mechanisms (ASMs), with Novel Aligner Appliances and Biomechanical Techniques"

Προσυνεδριακό Σεμινάριο
Ημέρα: Παρασκευή 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2023 , Ώρα 09:00 – 16:00
Ομιλητές:  Dr. John Voudouris

Εγγραφείτε εδώ events.orthoebe.gr/%ce%b5%ce%b3%ce%b3%cf%81%ce%b1%cf%86%ce%ad%cf%82/


Abstract Pre-Congress Course:


Novel JVBarre 4D™ Maxillary Segmental Distalizer with BiTurbos, and New, NiTi clips in Alpine™ Twin Active, Auto-seating System for Compliance: Quantum Biomechanics with Finite Element Analysis:

Non-surgical, non-extraction treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion with deep overbite continues with finished treatments combined with new, evidence-based Quantum Biomechanics using the new, user-friendly and ready-made JVBarre 4D™ Maxillary Segmental Distalizer from canine to first molar. New, curved BiTurbos™ are further integrated into the system to correct the critical vertical dimension by uncoupling the buccal segments to reduce vertical forces and relieve the upper molars for greater upper molar distalization.
Fixed Class II NiTi Coil Springs for compliance produces molar distalization efficiently within 4-6 months by using the highly effective JVB molar tube like a hip-joint with 40º molar rotation for super-Class I molar correction. The novel JVB features include a sweeping curve of the buccal barre upward toward the maxillary vestibule with the hook positioned uniquely near the apex of the curve that prevents the complication of direct-force canine extrusion. The higher JVB hook on the curved barre produces indirect-force on the canine, and the fixed Class II NiTi spring force is also closer to the center of resistance of the upper molars for improved molar translation. For lower arch anchorage the new Alpine™ active NiTi clips in the twin, active Auto-Seating System are applied with five anchorage methods reviewed to produce Differential Friction. The three-component system of JVBs with BiTurbos and fixed Class II NiTi Coil Springs (and MARPE as required) also have the potential for positive maxillary restriction, condylar and glenoid fossa modifications for mandibular retrognathism, while reducing EMG muscle hyperactivity shown in deep overbite. Clear JVBarre™ for adult esthetics in Stage 1 treatment can also be combined with a lower Invisalign® Vivera™ for anchorage using Class II elastics followed by full Aligners in Stage 2 for final detailing, as a practical hybrid treatment.
This clinical presentation uses new Quantum Biomechanics working with Dr. Anastasia Tsolaki’s latest published research applying sophisticated Finite Element Analysis (FEA) that compare the JVBarre 4D™ Maxillary Segmental Distalizer with prior distalizers.